Governing Documents

Download your neighborhood Bylaws and Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCRs) here.
Before You Start, Check with ARC

Prior to starting improvements to your home exterior or yard, check your covenants to see if you need to submit an review form to the ARC committee
Neighborhood Information
Trash Day - Every Tuesday
Recycling Day - Every other Tuesday
Yard Waste Day - Every Tuesday
Zip Code - 28277
County - Mecklenburg
City - Charlotte
CMPD Division - South

Village of Raintree Office
For any questions or concerns, please visit or contact us at:
8900 Raintree Lane, Charlotte NC 28277
Phone: 704-892-1660 x 389
Timberidge HOA Board
President - JuanLuis Periche-Feliz
Vice President - Steve McEachern
Treasurer - Alex Thewis
Secretary - Christine Smurr
Member at Large - Pam Przybyiski
Village of Raintree Representative -
JuanLuis Periche-Feliz
Village of Raintree Alternate -
Gary Spellman